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Tilos Software

Linear Scheduling & Project Management Software

Tilos Software - Linear Scheduling Software

Trimble Tilos – the leader in the planning, scheduling, and controlling of linear based projects

The robust scheduling software for infrastructure projects that combines time and distance into one graphical view.

Successful planning of large and spread out civil construction projects is an optimization challenge. Tilos helps establish and visualize the project details and the schedule in one view, providing you with detailed information about work in place, by location.

Detailed information about current activities by location enables precise production management opportunities and provides the transparency necessary to ensure on-time delivery of projects. Outputs from the latest version of Tilos software are highly visual and can easily be understood by owners and construction workers alike. Tilos provides the confidence to know the exact status of a project, without any guesswork required.

Tilos is currently widely used in these types of projects:

  • Highway widening
  • Rail
  • Road works
  • Bridges
  • Dams
  • Tunnels
  • Flood Control Structures
  • Transmission Lines
  • Wind Farms
  • Claims analysis and support
  • Pipelines – Liquid and Gas
  • Tilos has a full CPM scheduling engine to allow you to either plan directly in Tilos, or to optimize a schedule that you have imported
  • Tilos software easily integrates environmental, engineering and cultural data into a plan.  This allows your team to effectively and easily plan a project without creating conflicts.
  • Tilos software is commonly used during the execution of the project to easily track where work has been completed and to identify locations where the schedule is falling behind
  • Deviations against the plan being are easily identified and very visible in Tilos. Whether this is work face access, crew move arounds, productivity, rework – all of this is easier to analyze in Tilos and provide the decision makers with visibility and facilitate mitigations.

Use Tilos Software to easily and effectively communicate your plan, challenges and to create what-if scenarios to better manage your project!

The Trimble Tilos solves:

Creating an easy to understand view of your execution strategy and progress for key project stakeholders.

Typically, most projects utilize Gantt based scheduling programs to plan a linear project.  By adding a second dimension and incorporating a full CPM scheduling engine (similar to  P6 or Powerproject), you can quickly develop and optimize your schedule, in Tilos, while paying attention to any project constraints such as environmental or cultural.

Creating a time-distance, or march chart, of your project using Tilos is:

  • Easy: You can create a schedule directly in Tilos or by importing an existing schedule that was created in Excel,  P6, Powerproject, or MS Project.
  • Invaluable: Key stakeholders can easily understand your construction execution plan, or can easily identify where problems, or delays, may be impacting the completion date
  • Informative: Tilos tracks all progress and provides visibility, in detail, into when and where problems are occurring. This is why many companies use Tilos to support a claim.

Trimble Tilos makes it easy to build a schedule from scratch or optimize a schedule you have created in a Gantt based solution

Use Tilos to effectively communicate your construction strategy and progress for infrastructure construction projects

Trimble Tilos is the only linear scheduling solution that has the capabilities to create a schedule from scratch, or to import and optimize your existing Gantt based schedule to display in both time and distance.

  • Tilos is layer based – activate only the layers that will help you tell your story
  • Tilos is fully customizable – you can create as many views as required
  • Build filters based on existing coding structures that are imported with you schedules, or create new filters based on Tilos data fields
  • Engineering data can easily be incorporated and displayed in Tilos
  • Import multiple contractor schedules to create a master schedule
  • Optimize your schedule in Tilos  and then export back to P6, or another scheduling tool.
  • Import field progress via Excel
  • Use Tilos in claims situations to accurately show where and when construction occurred.

If you choose to import your existing Gantt based, or Excel based schedule, then you can easily create a time-distance presentation of your schedule.  Using Tilos allows you to quickly:

  • Determine if your schedule has any impact (or clash) with environmental, engineering or cultural constraints
  • See exactly how the execution of the construction is proceeding against the original plan
  • Identify areas where the schedule is slipping and create what-if scenarios to recover the baseline


An easy to understand view of your alignment based construction plan
for all project team members and key stakeholders: