Easy to use cloud based schedule validation with Schedule Validator: Learn More.

Nos complace anunciar la nueva versión de TILOS 10.3 MR1. En esta versión se han resuelto algunos errores conocidos en el software, así como también se ha mejorado el funcionamiento del programa.

Algunas de estas importantes mejoras se incluyen en:

  • Tareas y planificación
  • Integración BIM con Trimble Connect
  • Movimiento de Tierras

Descargue la nueva versión de TILOS 10.3 MR1. Conozca más acerca de esta nueva versión 10.3 MR1, visite el Website de Trimble TILOS.

Si tiene alguna sugerencia o solicitud para alguna mejora en el software, visite el Website para la comunidad de usuarios de TILOS y envíe su propuesta desde ahí.

Solicite una presentación una licencia de prueba de TILOS


TILOS Linear Software users will be pleased. TRIMBLE released version of TILOS 10.3 May 8th 2020. This latest version both addresses known bugs and provides enhancements to core functionality.

Highlights of the latest release include new features & enhancements for:

  • Tasks and Scheduling
  • BIM Integration with Trimble Connect
  • Mass Haulage

In addition, the new release fixes bugs and addresses known issues.

Current TILOS licence holders can download TILOS v 10.3  now. Learn more about version 10.3 of TILOS visit the TRIMBLE TILOS website.

Submit feature requests or vote on current enhancements, visit the community portal.

Interested in Tilos Software for Linear Project Scheduling?

Request a TILOS demo or trial license of TILOS.

ISETIA Software Strategy Sessions, Calgary, AB.

What’s known as ISETIA software is the astonishingly powerful project management platform developed by FND and distributed by Petroglyph Projects USA.

This summer, the Petroglyph team joined FND developers in Calgary Alberta for two days of strategy and collaboration.

The first item on the agenda was advanced-level ISETIA software training. What followed was a thorough exploration and experimentation of the robust features and capabilities of ISETIA. Secondarily, the teams developed a collaborative strategy to guide the product rollout across the Americas. Both parties were pleased with the outcome of the sessions:

“ISETIA is one of the most innovative products we’ve seen in this space.”  Lorne Duncan, the founder of Petroglyph Projects USA said, “We’re very excited to show our clients what it can do.”

Already in widespread use across Europe and Asia, the market’s response to ISETIA software has been overwhelmingly positive. Users declare it to be as “easy as Facebook” and FinancesOnline have presented it with multiple awards.

ISETIA dramatically improves efficiency for organizations responsible for improving project outcomes.

Learn more about ISETIA
Request a demo of ISETIA 

Petroglyph Project Analytics is pleased to announce their partnership with French Linear Project Software firm, Projet Linéaire.

Projet Linéaire is an project support firm located just outside La Roche-sur-Yon, France. Specializing in linear projects, Projet Linéaire is the authorized reseller of TILOS Linear Software in France, and French speaking regions of Switzerland and North Africa.

As Europe’s leading provider of TILOS software support and solutions to French speaking engineers, project planners and other linear project scheduling professionals, Projet Linéaire was the natural choice for partnership to provide French speaking service to Petroglyph’s clients.

In an exciting collaboration with the French & Canadian government, Projet Linéaire & Petroglyph Project Analytics have placed a French civil engineer on the ground in Quebec for the purposes of providing TILOS and Phase Manager sales & service to French speaking linear project professionals in Quebec.

Serving clients across North, Central and South America, Petroglyph Projects US is proud to provide TILOS Linear Software Sales & Support in English, Spanish, and now, French.

Ask us how TILOS can help your project.